
Research Topic
A Jewish Home-in-the-Making: Practice, Discourse, and Memory of German-Jewish Homemaking in Emigration
Viola Alianov-Rautenberg is a research fellow whose research interests include questions of gender, social history, and migration at the intersection of Jewish and Israeli history. During her time at the Katz Center, Alianov-Rautenberg will be studying the meaning of homemaking in German-Jewish exile after 1933.
Alianov-Rautenberg completed her PhD at the Technical University of Berlin with a dissertation titled “Liftmenschen in the Levant: A Gender History of the German-Jewish Immigration to Palestine/Eretz Yisrael, 1933–1939.” She was previously a fellow at the Bucerius Institute for the Research of Contemporary German History and Society at the University of Haifa.
Selected publications
- “Migration und Marginalität. Geschlecht als strukturelle Kategorie in der deutsch-jüdischen Einwanderung nach Palästina/Eretz Israel in den 1930er Jahren,“ Internationales Jahrbuch Exilforschung 36 (2018)