New Books in Partnership with Penn Press
Announcing new titles in the Jewish Culture and Contexts series

The Jewish Culture and Contexts series is published by the University of Pennsylvania Press in association with the Katz Center. The series is co-edited by Steven Weitzman, Francesca Trivellato (Institute for Advanced Study), Shaul Magid (Dartmouth College), and Beth Berkowitz (Barnard College), and its goal is to deepen understanding of Jewish culture within the specific historical and geographic contexts in which it has developed. Broadly interdisciplinary, this series features monographs in all areas of Judaic studies.
This past year, there were many notable monographs published in hardcover and ebook format as part of Jewish Culture and Contexts. The Katz Center is proud to celebrate the following authors on their recent publications:
Rebekka Voß, Sons of Saviors: The Red Jews in Yiddish Culture (July 2023)
AJ Berkovitz, A Life of Psalms in Jewish Late Antiquity (June 2023)
Julie Cooper and Samuel Hayim Brody, eds., The King Is in the Field: Essays in Modern Jewish Political Thought (June 2023)
Jonathan Ray, Jewish Life in Medieval Spain: A New History (March 2023)
Gadi Sagiv, Jewish Blues: A History of a Color in Judaism (February 2023)
Jonathan Dauber, Secrecy and Esoteric Writing in Kabbalistic Literature (August 2022)
Susan L. Einbinder, Writing Plague: Jewish Responses to the Great Italian Plague (October 2022)
Amos Morris-Reich, Photography and Jewish History: Five Twentieth-Century Cases (November 2022)
Oded Zinger, Living with the Law: Gender and Community Among the Jews of Medieval Egypt (January 2023)