New Publications by Katz Center Scholars

Many Voices in the Prose of Shulamith Hareven
Magnes Press
By Yael Balaban (2015–16: Beyond Reason)
Connecting Histories: Jews and Their Others in Early Modern Europe
University of Pennsylvania Press, Jewish Cultures and Contexts Series
Edited by Francesca Bregoli (2005–06: The Book & 2013–14: Early Modernity) and David B. Ruderman (Past Katz Center Director)
Recycled Lives: A History of Reincarnation in Blavatsky's Theosophy
Oxford University Press
By Julie Chajes (2017–18: Nature)
Jewish Theology Unbound
Oxford University Press
By James A. Diamond (2015–16: Beyond Reason)
Reinventing Maimonides in Contemporary Jewish Thought
The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization in association with Liverpool University Press
By James A. Diamond (2015–16: Beyond Reason) and Menachem Kellner
The Jews: A History, 3rd Edition
By John Efron (2015–16: Beyond Reason), Steven Weitzman (Katz Center Director), and Matthias Lehmann
From the Mouth of the Commentators
Zalman Shazar Center
By Chanan Gafni (2014–15: Wissenschaft)
For We Be Brethren: The Turn to the East in Zionist Thought
Zalman Shazar Center
By Hanan Harif (2014–15: Wissenschaft)
Monsters and Monstrosity in Jewish History: From the Middle Ages to Modernity
Bloomsbury Academic
Edited by Iris Idelson-Shein (2011–12: Travel and 2017–18: Nature) and Christian Wiese (2014–15: Wissenschaft and 2017–18: Nature)
The Way of Lovers (winner of the 2019 La Corónica International Book Award)
Magnes Press
By Sara Japhet (1994–95: Historiography, 2001–02: Biblical Exegesis, & 2010–11: Conversion), and Barry Dov Walfish
The Bible, the Talmud, and the New Testament: Elijah Zvi Soloveitchik's Commentary to the Gospels
University of Pennsylvania Press, Jewish Cultures and Contexts Series
Edited by Shaul Magid (2015–16: Beyond Reason), translated by Jordan Gayle Levy, with a foreword by Peter Salovey
Zionism and Melancholy: The Short Life of Israel Zarchi
Indiana University Press, New Jewish Philosophy and Thought Series
By Nitzan Lebovic (2016–17: Political Thought)
The Andalusi Literary and Intellectual Tradition: The Role of Arabic in Judah ibn Tibbon's Ethical Will
Indiana University Press, Indiana Series in Sephardi and Mizrahi Studies Series
By Sarah Pearce (2012–13: 13th Century)
The Holocaust's Jewish Calendars: Keeping Time Sacred, Making Time Holy
Indiana University Press, Jewish Literature and Cultures Series
By Alan Rosen (2004–05: Modern Literature)
Wissenschaft des Judentums Beyond Tradition: Jewish scholarship on the Sacred Texts of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
De Gruyter
Edited by Dorothea M. Salzer, Chanan Gafni, and Hanan Harif (all 2014–15: Wissenschaft)
Collected Essays, Volumes I & II
The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization in association with Liverpool University Press
By Haym Soloveitchik (1994–95: Historiography & 1998–99: Poetry/Enlightenment)
Prince of the Press: How One Collector Built History’s Most Enduring and Remarkable Jewish Library
Yale University Press
By Joshua Teplitsky (2016–17: Political Thought & 2019–20: Home)
Desert in the Promised Land
Stanford University Press
By Yael Zerubavel (1994–95: Historiography & 2009–10: Secularism)
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