Demystifying Peer Review
JQR editor Natalie Dohrmann walks you through the peer evaluation process in a video from AJRS.
![screenshot of Natalie Dohrmann from video](
On April 18–19, 2021, the Ancient Judaism Regional Seminar (AJRS) hosted its annual colloquium on Zoom. The seminar is dedicated to graduate training, and pairs graduate students in the Northeast together with senior scholars who respond to their papers as well as offering networking and professionalization session. This year JQR coeditor Natalie Dohrmann led a workshop called “Demystifying Peer Review.” It is an introduction to the peer review process, and includes a series of tips on how to strategize and build a CV, how to choose the right journal, how editors think about the process, how to increase your chances for success, and how not to be overwhelmed by it all.