
Research Topic
American Jews and the Electronic Media: Film, Radio and Television in American Jewish Self-Portraiture and Cultural Life, 1920-70
Jeffrey Shandler is Distinguished Professor of Jewish Studies at Rutgers University. His research interests include Jewish memory practices, Jewish cultural history, digital humanities in Jewish studies, and Yiddish language, literature, and culture. While at the Katz Center, he will focus on museum practices in Jewish life and particularly the intersections between the Jewish home and Jewish museums.
Shandler received his PhD from Columbia University. He has served as co-editor of the Jewish Cultures of the World series by Rutgers University Press, and has curated exhibitions for The Jewish Museum of New York, the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia, and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Shandler served as president of the Association for Jewish Studies and is a fellow of the American Academy for Jewish Research.
Selected publications
- Holocaust Memory in the Digital Age: Survivors’ Stories and New Media Practices (Stanford University Press, 2017)
- Jews, God, and Videotape: Religion and Media in America (New York University Press, 2009)
- Adventures in Yiddishland: Postvernacular Language and Culture (University of California Press, 2005)
- While America Watches: Televising the Holocaust (Oxford University Press, 1999)