
Research Topic
Cases from the Livorno Court of the Massari: A Plurality of Legal Pluralisms
Evelyne Oliel-Grausz is Associate Professor of early modern history and modern Jewish history at the Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne. Her research examines mobility and communication in the early modern Jewish world, intercommunal solidarity and conflict, and early modern Jewish legal culture. She has explored Jewish dispute resolution in several legal contexts in the Western Sephardi diaspora, and she is currently completing a book on Jewish disputes in Livorno.
Oliel-Grausz received her PhD from Sorbonne Université Paris 1 Panthéon. She has previously been a fellow at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies and at the Katz Center.
Selected publications
- transl. J. Angell, Between Jew and Jew? Jurisdictions and Uses of Justice in 18th Century Livorno (Brill, forthcoming)
- “Dispute Resolution and Kahal Kadosh Talmud Torah: Community Forum and Legal Acculturation in 18th Century Amsterdam,” in Religious Changes and Cultural Transformations in the Early Modern Sephardic Communities, ed. Yosef Kaplan (Brill, 2019)