
Research Topic
Science Brokers: Sephardic Physicians in Eighteenth-Century Societies
Carla Vieira is a researcher at the CHAM—Center for the Humanities, NOVA FCSH, and the Center for Sephardic Studies Alberto Benveniste, University of Lisbon. She is the principal investigator of the project, Western Sephardic Diaspora Roadmap and coordinates the Digital Paradigm Research Line at the CHAM. Her research focuses on the early modern Western Sephardic diaspora in England and colonial North America and its impact on transatlantic economic, social, and scientific networks. Her Katz Center project turns its gaze to eighteenth-century Sephardi doctors, assessing their roles as scientific brokers and intermediaries.
Vieria received her Ph.D. in modern history from the NOVA University of Lisbon—School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH).
Selected publications
Mercury’s Mirrors: The Representation of Commerce in Iberian Monarchies, 1500–1800, coedited with P. Sanchéz Léon and N. Vieira (Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2024).
“Profit, Fidelity, and Nobleness: The Imagined Sephardi as a Role Model for the British Jew,” in The Other Within: Imagined Jewishness in Europe and America from 1700 to 1948, ed. J. Pohlman (Universität Postdam, forthcoming 2024).