Grants for Jewish Studies in Ukraine
Applications for small grants to support research in Jewish studies in Ukraine are now open.

Working together with the Tanenbaum Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto, the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, Penn's Jewish Studies Program, and partners from other leading Jewish studies programs, the Katz Center has launched a small grant initiative to support colleagues in Jewish studies caught in the war in Ukraine.
The war has cut off or threatened the livelihood of scholars, graduate students, and those who support scholarship, and it has threatened Jewish studies- and Holocaust-related archives and museums. This grant program is an effort to provide some support for those carrying on their work in this difficult hour.
If you know of Jewish studies scholars or graduate students in Ukraine, please pass on details about this program. It is possible to submit applications in both Ukranian and Russian, and grants will be provided for as long as funding is available.
The Katz Center hopes to play a role in longer term initiatives to support Jewish studies in Ukraine. Discussions about that challenge are ongoing, and help or advice is most welcome.
A special note of thanks to Penn's Jewish Studies program and its director, Professor Kathryn Hellerstein, for joining the Katz Center in this effort, along with our other partners that currently include the Jewish Studies programs/centers at the University of Toronto, University of Michigan, JTS, Stanford, Vanderbilt and IU.
More Information about the Emergency Assistance Program
Jewish studies scholars, including graduate students, faculty, and independent researchers are encouraged to apply. The field within Jewish studies is open and includes any area in the humanities and social sciences. Applicants should submit a short application form, consisting of a description of their project (up to 250 words), their most recent CV, and contact information for two referees (email or phone number). The application can be submitted in English, Russian, or Ukrainian. The amount of the grant ranges between $500 and $1000 USD, and is determined by merit and need.
Заявку можна подати англійською, українською або російською мовами.
Заявку можно подать по-английски, украински и по-русски.
Click here to access the application.