Ben Shitrit

Research Topic
Faithful Foes? Visions of Peace on the Israeli and Palestinian Religious Right
Lihi Ben Shitrit is Assistant Professor at the School of Public and International Affairs, University of Georgia, Athens. She was also a visiting assistant professor in the Women's Studies in Religion Program at Harvard Divinity School (2013-2014). Her research focuses on the intersections of gender, religion, and politics in the Middle East. Her first book, Righteous Transgressions: Women’s Activism on the Israeli and Palestinian Religious Right was published in 2015 by Princeton University Press. Her other recent publications include: "Women, Freedom, and Agency in Religious-Political Movements: Reflections from Women Activists in Shas and the Islamic Movement in Israel" (Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 9.3, 2013); "Religion, Society and Politics in the Middle East" (with Robert Lee in The Middle East, CQ Press, 2013); and "Activism and Civil War in Libya" (with Intissar K. Rajabany in Taking to the Streets: Activism, Arab Uprisings, and Democratization, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013). Ben Shitrit has also worked extensively with civil society organizations, the U.S. State department, and USAID on conflict resolution and peace-building projects in the Israeli-Palestinian context. She holds a Ph.D., M.Phil, and MA in political science from Yale University and a BA in Middle Eastern studies from Princeton University.