
Research Topic
The Ethnic and Cultural Origins of Zionist Historiography: History, Memory, and Utopia
Yitzhak Conforti is a senior lecturer in the Department of Jewish History at Bar-Ilan University where he is a scholar of modern Judaism and Jewish nationalism. He has been a visiting scholar at the Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies at the University of Oxford (2005), The Taub Center for Israel Studies at New York University, and the Center for Jewish History in New York (2014). Professor Conforti is the author of Past Tense: Zionist Historiography and the Shaping of the Zionist Memory (in Hebrew; 2006) which won both the Hecht Prize and the Ish-Shalom Prize. He has published extensively on modern Jewish historiography, Zionist historiography, Jewish nationalism, and Zionism. His current project focuses on the ethnic and cultural origins of Zionism.