
University of Pennsylvania
Jody Ellant and Howard Reiter Family Fellowship

Research Topic

Technology and Modernity: Engineering Cultures and Jewish Cultures in the Second Industrial Revolution 


Adelheid Voskuhl teaches and researches the history of technology at the University of Pennsylvania, and prior to coming to Philadelphia, was faculty at Harvard University. Her larger interests include the philosophy of technology, intellectual and cultural history, and literary theory and criticism. Her current book project is concerned with class conflicts among engineers during their constitution as a modern profession in the so-called Second Industrial Revolution (c. 1890–1945) and engineers’ interest, at the same time, in philosophy.

Voskuhl received her PhD in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology from Cornell University as well as a graduate degree in Physics from Oldenburg University and a graduate degree in History and Philosophy of Science from Cambridge University.

Selected publications

  • “Emancipation in the Industrial Age: Technology, Rationality, and the Cold War in Habermas’s Early Epistemology and Social Theory” (Modern Intellectual History, forthcoming)
  • Androids in the Enlightenment: Mechanics, Artisans, and Cultures of the Self  (University of Chicago Press, 2013)



Posing new questions about the theories, institutions, and paradigms shaping the study of nature, and about the cultural and religious consequences that emerge from such study.