
Hochschule für Jüdische Studien (Heidelberg)
Anat Feinberg is a professor of Hebrew and Jewish literature. She has published extensively on these areas as well as on German Jewish, English, and German theater. She serves as the editor in charge of modern Hebrew literature for the new edition of the Encyclopedia Judaica as well as for the new edition of the German Kindlers Literaturlexikon.
Feinberg received her PhD from the University of London. She has taught at Tel Aviv University, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Haifa University, the University of Lucerne, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Selected publications
- Moderne hebräische Literatur: Ein Handbuch (German; edition text + kritik, 2005)
- Embodied Memory: The Theatre of George Tabori (University of Iowa Press, 1999)