“Fantastic Beasts”: Angelic Alphabets, Raven’s Brain, and the Amazing World of Jewish Miracle Workers

For the Public
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT

Zoom Webinar

Free and open to the public


The Baal Shem Tov has come down to us as the founder of Hasidism, but he began as a prominent example of a type of itinerant Jewish miracle worker who deployed magical and mystical techniques. Who were these ba‘alei shem (masters of the name) and what role did they play in early modern Eastern Europe? This talk will introduce their magical world, a world deeply in harmony not only with nature and its manifold secrets, but also with the wider cosmos and a profound love of God. The books of secrets they left behind—often richly illustrated with strange diagrams, angelic alphabets, and amulets with geometric designs—teach us about attitudes to nature, male and female bodies, creation and procreation, the cosmos, and the divine among Jews of the era. 


Do You Believe in Magic?

In this online lecture series, expert speakers unravel the esoteric and occult in Jewish history. How have widespread magical traditions coexisted with mainstream Judaism, and what, if anything, makes Jewish magic unique? Dive into the kabbalistic ideas, spells and potions, demons and spirits, and more that have made up the rich tapestry of Jewish magical practice from the ancient world up to today. 


Andrea Gondos

Andrea Gondos

University of Rochester

Andrea Gondos is a visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion and Classics at the University of Rochester. She is the author of Kabbalah in Print: The Study and Popularization of Jewish Mysticism in Early Modernity (SUNY, 2020). She is also the co-editor of The Life of the Soul: Jewish Perspectives on Reincarnation from the Middle Ages to the Modern Period, to appear in print this year.


Katz Center public programming is supported by gifts from the Klatt Family and the Harry Stern Family Foundation.